Temperance: a
cardinal virtue
What do you think about when you receive the Temperance card in a Tarot reading? Usually,
it is interpreted as a cardinal virtue that signifies those who use self-control
and restraint. Such people advocate non-violence and seek equilibrium,
moderation, and balance in peaceful relationships with others. Temperance characterizes
persons who demonstrate moral excellence and sensible behavior in their affairs.
They are good at blending the disparate actions of others together in an
atmosphere of cooperation.
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Visconti Temperance Card |
Most art for the Temperance Tarot card features a female
deity, or angel, who is depicted pouring liquid from one container to another.
On some cards, she has one foot in water and the other foot on land, which
suggests mixing or blending something, (the “alchemy” of mixing certain
elements together). Some interpretations assume a Christian influence is
evident in the Temperance card such
as the Biblical story of the Marriage at Cana: water was mixed with wine and
produced more wine, and was called Jesus’ wedding feast miracle (See John2: 6-9). This was a metaphor in which
the water represented Jesus’ humanity, while the wine represented Christ’s
divinity. Temperance in the 15th century Visconti Tarot deck, shows a woman with stars (magic) on her dress
holding two vases and pouring a liquid between them.
In the quagmire of politics today, it seems that what we
need most from our leaders and government officials, is to exercise temperance
in the activities of governance, especially the acts of law that affect the public.
This wishful thinking is nothing new. Practicing temperate behavior through
moderation in action, laws, thoughts and feelings, was advocated long ago by
Plato in his view of the core virtues of an ideal city in “The Republic.” He
emphasized the four cardinal virtues, which were Courage (Strength), Wisdom
(Prudence), Temperance, and Justice. Later,
these were adapted by the Church. Temperance implies refraining from excesses
and having the ability to master oneself by maintaining modesty and humility,
in contrast to arrogance and unmitigated anger. Instead, one should promote
moderate moral conduct for the good of the people, rather than indulging in
self-serving behavior.
Early concepts of
temperance in literature and art
Perhaps the earliest inspiration for the woman or guardian
angel in the Temperance card was Hebe, the Grecian goddess of youth. The late
Brian Williams, artist and Tarot historian, has illustrated Hebe, who is rendered
on early Greek vases carrying two ewers of nectar and ambrosia to serve to the
gods and goddesses of Olympus; symbolic of a divine draught. She fills their
goblets with the gift of eternal youth (See “The
Manchiate Tarot,” Brian Williams, Destiny Books, 1999). The Grecian
Horae, divinities of rain, flowering and fruits, were guardians of the order of
nature, “mellowing the behavior of men,” Hesiod says. This reminds me of the peace
demonstrators of the 60’s placing flowers in the gun barrels of National
Guardsmen and Police during the riots about ending the Viet Nam War.
John Stuart Mill writes about “Socratic Viri” of Justice,
Strength, and Temperance. Temperance meaning — “…veracity, perseverance,
readiness to encounter pain and especially labor; [with] regard for the public
good; estimation of persons, according to their merits…” (John Stuart Mill, Autobiography)
Leaders who advocated
During the Renaissance, several prominent artists portrayed
the real-life Roman General, Scipio Africanis (235
BC-183 BC) as one who set the example of a leader who showed temperance
and self-restraint in putting the good of the public ahead of his own importance.
Nicholas Poussin (1594-1665) depicted him
in a painting where he was returning a captured young woman rather than
accepting her as a prize of war. Scipio was renowned
for his moral excellence as a benevolent conqueror. The Romans wanted to
appoint him “dictator for life,” but he refused their offer. As their leader,
he abstained from cruelty and advocated clemency. In a painting by Tiepolo, (1696-1770) he is shown freeing Massiva, the
boy Prince of the Numidian Kingdom. The moderation of Scipio was also the motif in literature as both Cicero
and Dante mention him in their writings.
He has also been the main character in several Italian operas.
“On the
other pole attentive, where I saw four stars ne’er seen before…” (The four
cardinal virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance) Dante, “The Divine Comedy”
The Greek writer Xenophon, defined temperance as moderation in all things and abstinence from all things harmful. But a different view of temperance was sullied by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the Anti-Saloon League, and similar groups in the early 1900’s, where they succeeded in bringing about a ban on the sale of liquor during Prohibition, (1920-1932). This led to corruption in bootlegging and rum running, moonshine, gangsters and thousands of Speakeasies. Plenty of booze was made and sold in secret and crime was rampant. Despite the regulations, it was deemed a failed experiment that reeked of bans and censorship on a lot of other so-called illicit activity, including abortions and gambling.
for yourself:
When you get the Temperance card in a reading it is time for
a reality check. How well you have stood up to the daily challenges of relating
to others with peaceful intentions and kindness? Are you working on moderating
your behavior; seeking the middle ground? Ask yourself: Am I being fair and honest
in listening and paying attention to other’s needs? Or, have I been the drama
queen/king in demanding too much, dominating too much? Where is any humility in
what I am doing or in what I am saying? Have I acted upon important issues with
moderation and moral equilibrium? Do I seek balance and cooperation in
negotiations in the community; with friends, relatives and neighbors?
Temperance card reversed:
We see the opposite of Temperance in intemperate, impulsive behavior of a person who indulges in rampant
excesses. This can be someone who relishes creating imbalance, discord and
chaos. Be wary of leaders and others who profess tyrannical rule and flaunt
bombastic belligerence and disrespect of persons; always chastising other
people. Watch becoming a bully yourself by being arrogant and self-serving with
no regard for the opinions of others.