The Hermit: In the NOW and what is
Someone told this joke recently: “A man goes to his Guru and asks: ‘What is the meaning of life’? The Guru answers and says, ‘I don’t know, the internet is down.’” One of the definitions for The Hermit card in Tarot is about a person who meditates on “the meaning of life.” Usually, we think of a hermit as a person who withdraws from busy societal activities, family goings on, etc. (and the internet).We envision an isolated person who sits in meditation or contemplation somewhere in a cave seeking enlightenment. In modern Tarot interpretation, such as Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness, to receive The Hermit card in a reading is to consider what it means to be an illumined person on the path to self-knowledge; one who seeks liberation from any mental charades and travesties of one’s internal “monkey mind” whirling around in their head. It means taking time-out from the usual hubbub of daily routines in order to rejuvenate oneself and to ponder the deeper meaningof life—the what is.
Upon return, one is refreshed with new inspiration and wisdom to share with others.
“As an emblem of personal development rather than a guide, The Hermit symbolizes the idea that only by withdrawing from the outer world, can we awaken the inner self.”
Rachel Pollack, 78 Degrees of Wisdom(Aquarian Press 1980)
The ideal condition for understanding oneself is found in experiencing the transformation achieved through meditation and mindfulness. By aligning oneself in oneness with the Universe, we find a much bigger, grand, cosmic concept of life beyond “little ole me.” The aim of meditative practices in Buddhism and other similar traditions, is liberation from the limited confines and acquired attitudes of the Ego-self. By concentrating on silencing the endless jittery, chattering of ones’ internal thought processes, we can break away by meditating in a tranquil state of stillness and calmness. The intention of meditating is to understand and conquer the demanding impulses of desire: “—I want—I need—I wish for, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!” (And give it to me right now!) In the best sense, everyone needs an occasional meditative retreat as a respit from worldly goings on. When you find the right place for meditation, begin to work on overcoming any anger and fear: such as fear of responsibility, fear of failure, fear of people, or anger and fear of just living one’s daily life. This is your opportunity to get in touch with the reality of every moment—to live in the NOW. So, what are you doing right now?
“Thinking is at the base of everything. It is important for us to put an eye of awareness into each of our thoughts…If we create true harmony within ourselves, we will know how to deal with family, friends, and associates.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, For a Future to Be Possible (Parallax Press, 1993)
Liberation from mental intrusions comes when you are in a state of timeless contemplation and
the “monkey mind” is no longer babbling away—freeing one’s effort to overcome distorted thinking, desires and greed. Then, “much ado about nothing” is gone. By counting the breaths in meditation, a Yogi or Swami renounces the daily churning of events and seeks liberation from the unreal world of Samsara and illusions. The Buddha lived in hidden seclusion in a forest for years where he dealt with the deeper causes of suffering. In Buddhist teachings, everything in the life of the self is temporary, impermanent. “Here today and gone tomorrow,” so to speak. In Christian meditative practice, we hear stories of the struggles of Saint Anthony (251-356) who meditated in a cave in the desert. Here, he dealt with outlandish temptations from devious monsters spinning in his mind and, later, he wrote about his liberating experiences in a book: The Sayings of the Fathers.
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Hermit by Hieronymus Bosch |
(See my previous blogs on The Hermit: The Path to Enlightenment (11/17/2011 and The Hermit and Monsters (01/04/2018)
When you are sitting quietly in contemplation, ask yourself: “What are the only things I am experiencing”? You are breathing, and you never stop breathing (unless you have departed from this existence). Your heart is beating. Your mind is probably filled with inconsequential thoughts, and you can hear sounds in the background. That is the reality of your meditative focus. Nothing else. As you count the breaths, focus on gratitude for the blessings of the gifts of Life and become aware of all the day-to-day processes we take for granted. To arrive at a peaceful state of mind, you need to be in touch with the reality of the present moment through the logic of practicing mindfulness. Ask yourself: “What is happening right now”? This process consists of calming the busy, noisy, inner mind in silence. Rehearsing old memories of the past that no longer exist is not the present reality. Drumming up fears for the future and imagining circumstances that might “would a/could a” happen is not the present reality. Your only reality is to be mindful of what is happening now and just live in the constantly changing NOW moment—which is.
“What is important is to keep our mind high in the world of true understanding and, in returning to the world of daily experience, to seek therein the truth of beauty.”
“This basic form of meditation is concerned with trying to see what is.”
“In fact, it is the very essence of meditation”
“Blue sky consciousness”
Chogyam Trungpa, Meditation in Action (Shambala, 1969)
Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness:
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Triple Spiral |
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The Hermit TOCC |
In the profound book, Meditations on the Tarot, (Penguin Putman, 1993) the “Anonymous Author,” says about The Hermit:
“…he has the faculty of separating himself from the collective moods, prejudices, and desires of race, nation, class and family—the faculty of reducing to silence the capacity of collectivismvociferating around him…He traverses the way of peace between opinions, beliefs and experiences.”
What about the Hermit card In a Reading?
When you receive this card in a reading, ask yourself how you are dealing with the “monsters” of our modern age: hackers of our computers, spyware, conspiracy theories filled with lies, hoaxes, untruths and false beliefs; extremist war-mongering men who desire power and dictatorship; the perpetual continuing wars. And yes, the threat of nuclear war is still ongoing. What about a government trying to control people’s privacy by taking away their autonomy?
The Hermit card signals that it is time for reflective thought. Stop “doom scrolling” and having your thoughts and passions twisted every which way by the “daily horror”(aka: the Daily News). How can finding stillness of mind help your attitude toward life and these daily experiences?When you receive The Hermit card in a reading, it indicates that it is time to put aside your daily routines and activities and retreat in meditation to rest and rejuvenate.
Ask yourself:
What is most important for you in this life”?
What really matters”?
What is your concept of finding meaning in this life?
What are your intentions?
Are you taking time out often to clear your mind of trivial pursuits and useless information?
Are you tired of feeling “brainwashed” by incessant political propaganda?
What are situations that need to be resolved?
How can finding stillness of mind help your attitude toward life and daily experiences?
Are you affirming gratitude for your gifts of life and every day blessings?
Are you working to overcome anxiety or sorrow and painful memories as you gain insight into your true spiritual selfhood?
How are you doing at expressing mindfulness, generosity and responsible behavior?
How are your actions affecting everyone else?
For a Future to be Possible, Thich Nhat Hanh (Parallax, 1993)
Zen and Reality, Robert Powell (Viking Press, 1975)
Meditation, Sri Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga publications, 1975)
Meditation In Action, Chogyam Trungpa (Shambala, 1969)