Tarot Notes: Index and preview of my essays on Blogger
Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness, Barbara Bruch
Why are so many interested in Tarot? Where did we get the concept of a Fool? Who was the High Priestess and when? What about The Hermit, The Empress and The Emperor—who were they and where were they? What about somebody falling from The Tower and dealing with The Devil (evil) or going round and round on the “ups and downs” of The Wheel of Fortune? What is so captivating about Tarot cards? My goal in these notes is to provide a quick summary of my articles, blogs and discussions of the historical background and inferences of Tarot decks, both now and from the past.
It seems we are here in this earthly form to learn, and a lot of what happens in our society is built on the accumulation of knowledge from past civilizations and lifecycle lessons gathered over the centuries. Archetypes based on what has been learned and taught pertaining to a person’s development seem to be incapsulated in the art of certain Tarot decks, most likely inspired by art and literature from the past. It all begins with The Fool.
But beware, “Fools despise wisdom and instruction”(Proverbs 1:7).
That ancient biblical statement tells us that fools and folly have been around for a long time. What we learn from working with Tarot cards provides an incentive to discover who we are, where we belong and where we are going. Contemporary opinion assumes Tarot cards represent a symbolic synthesis in pictorial form of some important models of behavior and show us prototypes for learning experiences in daily living and interactions. Someone once asked me what my inspiration was for making a Tarot deck (aka: Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness). “How did you arrive at these particular designs and configurations”? The impetus of beginning to research Tarot was to discover how and why older Tarot decks were illustrated with specific early European figures in art and forms in the Major Arcana such as The Tower, The Devil, Strength and Justice, Chariot, and so on. Of course, this investigation resulted in reading about and examining the art and symbols of a lot of previous decks especially in relation to Renaissance art. Great literature and art from a distant past seem to have influenced most early forms of Tarot. This, in turn, has informed my own Tarot art.
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B.O.T.A. |
Through a period of osmosis and inspiration, I began making sketches based on this study in order to understand the connection of Tarot to Renaissance Art, Astrology, Qabalah, Sacred Geometry and Neo-Platonic thought; as have several other researchers pondered on the subject of Tarot. We know some Renaissance artists were inspired by ancient Greek and Roman mythology – for example, Sandro Botticelli’s painting “Birth of Venus” (1486) in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. The Grecian Goddess of Love floats ashore on a half shell after being born of sea foam as told in the stories of the ancient Greek pantheon of gods. Around the same time, Biblical stories were illustrated in frescos on the walls of European Cathedrals by great artists such Giotto (1305) who painted the acts of Jesus, as in “The Marriage at Cana,”in the Arena Chapel of Padua, which illustrated Jesus’ miracle of turning the water into wine. On the bottom level of the Chapel, Giotto also painted the Seven Virtues and Seven Vices - decrees of behavior promoted by the Church, some of which have obviously inspired the art in the Tarot Major Arcana. These were Folly (Fool), Fortitude (Strength), Temperance and Justice, and so on. Whether biblical stories represent the “Voice of God” or not, many biblical narratives have been applied to Tarot. And it is fairly obvious that early Tarot decks reflected certain styles of Renaissance art based on 14th, 15thand 16thcentury paintings and sculptures. Most Minor Arcana Tarot figures in early decks are Kings, Queens, Emperors, Empresses, and Lords based on the monarchy and aristocracy, which prevailed in Europe for many centuries. Craftsmen and peasants of Medieval times are sometimes included in the Minor Arcana, especially in the “Waite” deck. Today, in America’s democratic society, we don’t fully understand the overwhelming domination and control of a lot of the world by the European ruling class of monarchies since the time of Roman Emperors. Kings (sometimes Queens) and Dukes controlled nearly everything and everyone for many centuries, although any remaining monarchies left standing after WWI and WWII have minimal powers and some have been abolished altogether (aka: Russian Empire, Tsar of Russia). Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness has removed the human figures and illustrates only the signs and symbols affiliated with the meaning of each card. Kings and Queens still have a similar connotation, but now, they mainly refer to reaching the height of ones’ own personal powers. There are no familiar faces. The Emperor and Empress in Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness are beyond ordinary interpretation and are more in keeping with the cosmic primordial action of the Feminine Principle and Masculine Principle involved with the creation of the Universe.Most designers of early Tarot decks used a complex combination of symbols, geometric
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T.O.C.C. King of Cups |
configurations and human figures woven together for the purpose of providing a sequential path to living a better life, so to speak. Numbers, letters, and specific words take Tarot back in time when these “tools” of human expression were considered sacred. Most of it had to deal with the celebration of nature – seasonal crops, planting and harvest when people expressed gratitude and appreciation for nature’s abundance and their survivability. Early cultures showed respect for a creator or a life force and giver of life larger than themselves such as God or an Earth Mother Goddess. In the “Celtic Wisdom Tarot” by Caitlin Matthews (Destiny Books,1999), her modern-day cards have retrieved and portrayed some of the ancient beliefs and ways of early life in the British Isles. She brings back a reverence for nature; something we have lost sight of as we bop along not noticing living nature, oblivious to bird song; while ear bobs blare music in our ears. That’s why Tarot is important to some people who are now trying to get in touch with nature and the sacred again while they discover more about themselves. My goal has been to investigate and pursue a sacred cosmic path to wisdom beginning with The Fool who can be both the first card and the last card. The cards in between represent sequential stations of experience on the journey of life we are on - where we meet the challenges of daily life and conquer our fears in knowing ourselves better.
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Celtic Tarot |
For some Tarot readers and practitioners, there is an element of seeing one’s future, but today, it is used more as a tool of self-discovery. Yet, some like to consult the Tarot as an “oracle”—a way to discern knowledge of future events —Fortune Telling— akin to the “Oracle of Delphi” in the ancient Grecian past. Certain Tarot researchers and readers have concluded that these 78 pictorial cards provide an incentive for those seeking more information about themselves and living this life, as my teacher, Gail Fairfield discusses in her book, “Choice Centered Tarot” (Samuel Weiser, 1997).
Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness
In “Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness,” achieving cosmic consciousness implies that we recognize our connection to the Cosmos—The Universe card. We are on our own unique path to our Higher Selves and spiritual cosmic consciousness. This is not only about our connection to the earth but concerns methods of raising our consciousness to an awareness of all facets of the living energy source of everything. It seems that when we acknowledge our eternal place and oneness with the Universe, we find “Nirvana.” I would like to think that we are meant to be here on earth to work on our human frailties while raising our consciousness to the “Cosmic Plane.” The human monkey mind is impermanent, so say the Buddhists. Yet, the Cosmic Mind must be as eternal as the Universe. On that level, Mind’s Self-expression or Self-manifestation of an omnipotent creative Principle provides the original model or prototype for all life. I am fascinated by Nature’s aliveness and complex organization of organic structures and the generative processes of egg, sperm, seed, cells, and exponential growth of living beings, plants and animals. What prompts intricate cellular growth, multiplication and expansion of roots, tree, limbs, leaves, and fruit over and over again? What is Life? These questions I explore in my art and Tarot cards. Achieving cosmic consciousness means that we are recognizing our connection to the Cosmos (The Universe card) and the oneness of all living things.
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The Universe T.O.C.C. |
Major Arcana
The following is a brief synopsis of each card in regard to my research into ancient history, Biblical references, great literature; in Renaissance Art, artists Giotto, Bosch, and Bruegel as they are written about in a time line according to the index of subjects and dates in the blog. Things to be considered can be found on these dates:
0. The Fool 0: Who is the ass-man hidden in the New Testament Apocrypha in “The Gospel of the Birth of Mary”? We see him portrayed over and over as The Fool.
10/17/2009 The Fool and Nothing
1/10/2010 The Fool and Giotto’s Folly
2/15/2015 Celebrating The Fool
5/25/2020 The Fool Again -Good, Bad and Dangerous
1. The Magician I: We see magicians being outsmarted by Moses in Genesis. Biblical Soothsayers and magicians, secret societies.
3/ 3/13/2010 Magician as Shaman
4// 4/4/2010 Magician and Moses
10 10/9/2016 Magic and Magician in Tarot
2. High Priestess II: Attending the Egyptian Goddess Isis; Pythia in Grecian Oracles
5/24/2010 The High Priestess Back in Time
12/10/2016 Revisiting The high Priestess
3. The Empress III: In England’s past, a great megalithic figure concealed on the landscape
6/13/2010 Going Back Even Farther in Time
1/21/2017 Another Look
4. The Emperor IV: We have heard plenty about Roman and later European Emperors and Empires, Hapsburg empire, Napoleon Empire
7/19/2010 The Emperor and Numeral 4
2/16/2017 Emperors Good, Bad and Scary
5. The Hierophant V: Ancient Eleusinian priest conducting rituals honoring Ceres, agricultural goddess.
8/16/2010 Golden Rectangle, Nature’s Mysteries
6/1/2017 Interpretation Today
10/26/2020 The Hierophant Now, Natures Processes
6. The Lovers VI: In literature, who hasn’t heard of Anthony and Cleopatra, Solomon and Sheba; Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare
9/12/2010 Merging or Separating
6/18/2017 Choices We Make, Tarot Garden in Italy
7. The Chariot VII: Early form of the Jeep pulled by horses in Egyptian, ancient Middle east wars, Roman wars.
10/10/2010 Chariots of Fire, UFO’s, Merkabah
7/27/2017 The Chariot, Wars, Heroes
8. Strength VIII: Strong men such as Grecian Hercules and Biblical Sampson
11/15/2010 The Chakras
9/17/2017 More on strength, Gender Issues
9. The Hermit IX: Monastic orders, Buddha, Zen practitioners, Hindu mystics
11/17/2011 Path to Enlightenment
1/14/2018 The Hermit versus Monsters
10. The Wheel of Fortune X: The ups and downs and cycles of living, gambling game
2/27/2011 Destiny and Fate
1/14/2018 Your destiny
11. The Hanged Man XI: This is what happened to Medieval thieves and con artists
5/15/2011 Time Out
12. Justice XII: Injustice resolved in Early Egyptian and Roman laws, courts today
3/27/2011 Truth vs Lies
2/10/2018 Justice/Injustice
13. Death XIII: Plagues, disease, death and destruction in world wars, atomic bomb
6/62011 The End … or is it?
6/7/2018 More Perspectives
14. Temperance XIV: Alchemy, beginning of chemistry in Europe, moderation in everything
7/17/2011 Alchemy of Mixing, Blending
7/28/2018 Then and Now
5/28/2021 Moderation vs Extremes
15. The Devil XV: Christian belief in evil supernatural being
10/24/2011 Good vs Evil
10/26/2018 Halloween Watch
16. The Tower XVI: Fall from grace, Tower of Babel, ancient Nimrod
12/15/2011 Wake Up!
1/12/2018 Path to Heaven or Destruction
17. The Star XVII: Cosmic energy flowing from the Universe, the Force, God, divine Mind
1/29/2012 Look to the Stars
7/20/2019 The Source
18. Moon XVIII: Feminine mysteries, emotional waxing and waning
3/26/2012 Tides of Change
7/20/2019 Another View, Chaco Canyon, Stonehenge
19. Sun IX: Life Force, enlightenment, Egyptian Sun-God
4/23/12 Light, Hope, New Day
12/14/2019 Light in Art, Age of Enlightenment
20. Judgement XX: Morality, reality check, passing Heavenly gates
5/19/2012 Remembering A Life
2/13/2020 Judgement Day, Truth and Lies
21. The Universe/World XXI: Attaining Cosmic Consciousness
9/23/2012 Paradise and Utopia
4/19/2020 Universe in Tarot, The Outer, the Inner
Minor Arcana
40 Numbered Cards and 16 Court Cards
Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness, Barbara Bruch, BlogSpot articles on Minor Arcana
Can we think of the Tarot Minor Arcana cards as corresponding to ordinary playing cards? Yes and no. In place of the four suits of numbered playing cards — clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades, Tarot consists of four suits of wands, swords, cups and coins (pentacles). Viewed through the lens of numerology, there is an ancient sacred meaning behind each numbered card. Some older Tarot decks such as the Waite deck, have specific pictures of people in action signifying the meaning behind the number. The original intent of the numbers in Tarot goes beyond the ability to just calculate mathematically. In ancient times, numbers were considered sacred symbols of the sequential processes of the laws of creation. Through sacred geometry, nature’s processes of growth and maturity could be revealed while one is contemplating and drawing geometric forms.
1. Tarot Minor Arcana 1/26/2013 Bean Sprout, Numbers and Minor Arcana
2. One 4/20/2013 One Only
3. Two 6/2/2013 The Other
4. Three 6/16/2014 Three Little Pigs
5. Four 8/27/2014 Mysteries and Sense of Order
6. Five 11/16/2014 Challenges of Life
7. Six Yet to be done?
8. Seven 6/13/2015 Seven Virtues and Seven Vices
9. Eight 9/6/2015 Magician and the Lemniscate
10. Nine 10/18/2015 On the Nines
11. Ten 10/26/2015 Moving On
Tarot Court Cards
1. The Minor Arcana and Court Cards 4/20/13
2. Kings/Queens 12/3/2015
3. Knights/ Princesses 1/27/2016 Knights and War
4. Sacred Geometry 3/17/2016 What is Meant by Sacred Geometry
5. Sacred Geometry 4/25/2016 Part II Will to Power
6. Fortune Telling 5/29/2016 And something More
7. Tarot of Cosmic Consciousness Cards 8/20/2016 How it Was Created
A Pictorial History of Western Art
Erwin O. Christensen, Mentor Books, 1964
Apocryphal New Testament
Ludgate Hill, 1820
Complete Guide to the Uffizi
Bonechi, 1989
Greek Mythology
Paul Hamlyn, Drury House, 1963
Minchiate Tarot
Brian Williams, Llewellyn, 2002
Secrets of the Tarot
Barbara Walker, HarperCollins, 1984
World of Giotto
Time-Life Books, 1967
2,000 Years of Christian Art
Eric Newton/ William Neil, HarperCollins, 1966